One year and counting...

In August 2019 I founded ooo Bureau e.U., an individual enterprise, to follow my dream of creating my own brand. I honestly do not know why I had to found my own company as you can simply register your own brand without a company. However, I am a person that does one thing after the other and so founding my own company was a crucial step in this journey. 

I thought I could share some of the main ideas/facts/... of ooo Bureau e.U. and Booro with you folks today. 


So first of all I had my own opinion on the global clothing industry and the “environmental friendly” approaches of many companies within the industry but also beyond. This is why with Booro I tried to approach clothing in a way that makes people feel more connected with our products and therefore keep it hopefully forever. In case you want to level up your environmental friendliness...Lately I saw a post from Noah (a streetwear brand from NYC) saying that washing and drying our clothes accounts to 80% of the environmental impact of the fashion industry. 

Second one - why clothing? 

I simply love the idea of an own brand, which we (you all and me) can grow to something hopefully bigger than “just” a clothing brand. The endless possibilities with fashion is something that fascinates me. Another reason is money/budget - I had many different ideas about what kind of company I would like to found and out of them all, clothing was the easiest to finance. And just because we started as a fashion brand does not mean we will not approach other industries in the future - what industry? I have some ideas but psssscht be patient time will tell. 

The first month was brilliant.

I know I started Booro in a time when usually nobody would start a company but as the brand represents the “out of ordinary” I thought it was the right time to give it a go. In the first month we sold approximately 200 pieces and shipped around 100 orders to many different countries. Now as August passed I can tell that the second month of Booro did not work out at 100 but as it was August and people were enjoying their time hopefully offline I am more than happy to have shipped 20 orders during this month. For the coming months of 2020 I will push hard to increase the numbers again to soon launch collection #2. At this point: if you have any ideas for collection #2 hit me up (+43 664 1312299), ( or simply fill out the co-creation form. 

Why do I tell you all of this? 

I have received many calls over the last couple of months and also got into very interesting discussions with people who would also like to start their own companies/brands. At first I was not sure whether to tell “strangers” how to start or where to get fabric etc. but soon I realized that without other people sharing their experiences/knowledge I would not have been able to create Booro. So please feel free to ask me anything! 

Ah yes - and I love transparency, I truly believe that in nowadays economy transparency should be and must be manifested in the roots of any company dealing with customers. 

I hope you liked this blog post - thanks for reading till the end.... yes, here you have your 20% discount “jipi20”

Fabian Kulterer1 Comment